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Beyond WMS dashboard is a comprehensive screen that empowers coworking space operators to efficiently oversee and optimise various aspects of their coworking space. It provides a user-friendly interface that grants easy access to crucial information and actions.


In the inventory section, workspace operators list available spaces like meeting rooms, private offices, coworking areas, and event spaces, including details like size, capacity, and amenities. They set availability for booking, allowing tenants and clients to see open spaces and make reservations. Plus, operators can manage multiple buildings across different addresses with one account, streamlining operations across various locations.


The community section of Beyond WMS is a feature designed to foster a sense of belonging and collaboration among its members. It serves as a central hub where tenants, day pass and meeting room visitors, and virtual office members can be monitored and managed. Additionally, the calendar is designed to visually forecast marketing/sales plans, providing valuable insights for strategic decision-making.


Beyond WMS offers a complete coworking space management solution, including a sales module to streamline membership. The website features an automated lead form for potential clients to express interest easily, capturing essential details for efficient follow-up. Customisable membership plans, online payment processing, and automated invoicing ensure a smooth sales experience.


This module handles financial aspects, including billing, invoicing, and payment tracking for both members and vendors. It helps generate financial reports, monitor revenue streams, and ensures smooth financial operations for the coworking space.


Marketing section equips coworking space operators with streamlined tools, including event creation, ticketing, and seamless integration with email marketing. Leveraging member data enables operators to personalise campaigns, fostering engagement and attracting new clients, thus cultivating a vibrant coworking community and driving overall workspace success and growth.


Seamlessly handle and track collaboration agreements with other businesses and service providers, ensuring efficient operations. Stay tuned for the upcoming addition of broker management, which will further streamline your interactions and lease agreements. With Beyond WMS, you can optimise your partnerships, maintain smooth workflows, and look forward to continued enhancements in your coworking space management journey.


Beyond WMS features a comprehensive HR Management module for coworking spaces. It simplifies staff scheduling, payroll processing, and employee record management, ensuring an efficient workspace operation and effective staff management. With optimised work schedules, timely payroll, and organised employee records, coworking space operators can foster a productive and well-organised work environment.


Beyond WMS offers a secure and efficient File Uploading feature that enables members to share and access files within the coworking ecosystem. This feature includes cloud storage integration, version control, and permission settings to safeguard sensitive information. Members can confidently collaborate and manage files in a protected environment, ensuring seamless communication and data sharing within the coworking community.


“Transactional Reports” feature offers detailed insights into the coworking space’s financial performance. Users can access visualizations and breakdowns of income streams, such as tenant payments, bookings, and additional services. These reports help operators assess profitability and make data-driven decisions.


Real-time communication is essential for smooth member interactions. The live messaging feature enables instant messaging and communication between members, staff, and management, facilitating quick responses to inquiries and enhancing the overall coworking experience.

Booking Engine

The booking engine empowers website visitors to quickly browse and reserve various options like day passes, meeting rooms, and memberships within 30 seconds, all via a user-friendly interface. This efficient platform facilitates seamless bookings and offers related add-ons, allowing users to customise their experiences to their preferences and needs.

Member area

The members’ area of Beyond WMS provides registered members with exclusive access, allowing them to easily oversee and tailor their memberships via individual accounts. Within this secure and personalised space, members can manage subscription details, track benefits, update profiles, and explore options to enhance their membership experience, facilitating a seamless and self-directed membership management process.