
The community section designed to foster a sense of belonging and collaboration among members. It serves as a central hub where tenants, day pass and meeting room visitors, and virtual office members can be monitored and managed in Community hub.


Explore Tenants Section:

The Tenants section within the Beyond Coworking Space Management software empowers users with comprehensive tools to efficiently oversee and manage memberships.

This central hub equips operators with the knowledge and functionalities needed to ensure a smooth and organised experience for both coworking space administrators and their members.

Adding a tenant via booking engine:

Beyond’s online booking engine offers a convenient option to initiate a membership.

Once the required fields are filled out and the membership fee is paid, Beyond will create a membership account with all the relevant details

Manually Add Members:

Click on the “Add a Tenant” button located in the top right corner. Fill in the necessary information, including the tenant’s name, contact details, and membership type.

Assign a membership plan and adjust any relevant parameters, such as the start and end dates, then save the details.

Editing existing memberships

Edit existing memberships seamlessly by accessing the membership details section to adjust parameters like type and dates.

Changes are immediately updated in the system, and the next month’s invoice reflects any adjustments for streamlined payment processing.

Deactivate and Archive memberships

When dealing with outdated or inactive memberships, you can choose to either deactivate or archive the member.

Archiving preserves the data for reference while marking the member as inactive, while deactivation implies temporary inactivity with the option for reactivation later on.

Manage Online Bookings

Ensure that online bookings are seamlessly integrated into the Tenant section, with accurate display of booking details such as start and end dates, membership type, and user information.

Booking details will be instantly visible on the calendar, tenant, or visitors tab, respecting the booking/membership type, and grant access to the ‘Member Account’ or the desk will be assigned automatically.

Stock Request

The Stock Request module empowers coworking space members to effortlessly submit requests for additional stocks of essential items or amenities.

Whether it’s office supplies, pantry items, printing materials, or any other resources needed, users can simply access the module through Beyond’ intuitive interface. They can specify the type and quantity of the required items.

Mail Management Section

For virtual office members who may not physically be present at the coworking space, Beyond WMS provides a mail management system.

It allows virtual office members to receive notifications of incoming mail, request mail forwarding or scanning, and keep track of their correspondence in a secure and organised manner.

Archived Memberships

To maintain an up-to-date and clutter-free database, Beyond WMS offers an archiving option for memberships that have expired or are no longer in use.

This ensures that active members and relevant information remain easily accessible, improving overall system efficiency.

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